
WED MAY 10-Practice Update, Swim Suits, Team Pictures, Time Trials. Please read!

No practice today!  Rain has subsided but water is really cold so we will resume tomorrow.

The kids are doing great and are so tough in the cold rainy temps and our younger groups did awesome on the swim test.  We are proud of them all!   We will be organizing lanes more in the coming weeks to help make the practices more efficient for the kids and the coaches.  I am sure this will evolve as the season goes but we have a good starting point to be able to help all kids improve.

After this week, we will run a fairly repetitive schedule on "skill" work for the week.  I will send this on Sunday and post on the website for those that want to have a better idea of what the kids will do each day or know which day to come if they are looking for something specific for their swimmer to work on.

SWIM SUITS!  Please go by Texas Swim Shop to size your kids and buy suits!  They have purchased plenty for our team to buy.  Address:  10425 S. Post Oak Rd.

PICTURES Please block off next Thursday May 18 for individual and team pictures-and yes we want the kids in their suits! We will not practice that day so they can all look their best for your swim team button :). Here is link for ordering your items:


At the top, you will see a link to swim team photos and when you click that link, you will see BGP listed, with an ordering button.

TIME TRIALS Our first "meet" will be on Saturday May 20 at our BGP Pool.  Warm up is at 4:00, meet starts at 5:00, pizza party to follow until 8:00 pm.  PLEASE RSVP FOR THIS MEET!  We need to know that you will be there.  It is also an opportunity to train our volunteers so if you can also sign up for a shift to help, that would be super duper helpful:). Emily will be in touch with you on how to help once you sign up. Here is how the meet will run:

*Swimmers only swim Free, Back, Breast, Fly... NO IM or RELAYS

*It's just our team...so it will go fast 

*No DQs!!  It's a practice meet to get initial times in the computer & give them a feel for it

*Ribbons for all swimmers for all 5/6, 7/8, 9/10!

TSHIRTS, SWIM CAPS, SWAG BAGS, YARD SIGNS Vanessa has worked hard to gather great items from our sponsors and should have these for our swimmers very soon!

Thanks all!

Emily, Kimberly, Vanessa

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