
Week 8-Final Team Email!

Happy Fathers Day!!
Last week and lots to communicate…this will be the last team email so please read all! Further info will go out to those attending prelims/finals this coming Saturday and Sunday. 


Monday-morning 8-10 am ONLY

Tuesday-morning 8-10 am and afternoon 3-5 pm

Wednesday-morning 8-10 am and afternoon 3-5 pm

Thursday-morning 8-10 am and afternoon 3-5 pm

Friday-no practice

Monday Ribbons:  ribbons and speeding tickets are available from the meet on Saturday. Still waiting on medals and ribbons from relay meet-at the mercy of the league!

Tuesday Los Tios: Come have dinner and support our team with 20% give back to the Stars!

Thursday Pep Rally: please join Thursday after practice from 5-6:30 at the playground Pavilion for our annual Pep Rally dinner. We will have our annual poster contest so come ready with some spirit! 

Most Stars

Most Creative

Most Colorful

Most Spirit

Most Green & Blue

Friday/Saturday Prelims/Finals: so excited for our final meet, We are told for now that both meets will start at 9:00 am. We will send more info on Thursday night. Plan to arrive at Briar Village both mornings by 8:00 am.

Saturday Team Party: Team Party at the Pool starting at 6:00 pm! Food provided! We will have trophies, high point winners, and speeding ticket drawings as we celebrate a great season!

Coaches gift: Our coaches have done an awesome job this season! If you would like to donate to the coaches’ gift to share between the group, please bring money this week or send to Venmo @Kimberly-Barrett-8. Any amount is great-if you are inclined, typical amount is $5-20 total if you need a ballpark. 

Look forward to seeing everyone during this fun and final week!
Go Stars!

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